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Five Keys to Believing God for Your Promise

Five Keys to Believing God for Your Promise

| The Crowning Jewels
These five keys I used in my own journey of stewarding my promise and holding onto faith in the waiting for a husband. I believe these keys are powerful and life changing. That said, I cautiously present these, not as a formula for success, but as tools that have helped me stand in faith along th...
Rachel: God Hears Me

Rachel: God Hears Me

| The Crowning Jewels
Rachel was a woman whose messy, complicated story gives us a glimpse of how God shows up to us in our brokenheartedness and pain and brings life.
Endless Hallelujah

Endless Hallelujah

| Anne Ballard
Psalm 22.3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of his people.  No matter what you are facing, when you choose to stop, cultivate your gratitude and give him praise, He meets you. This is a season of Promised Land testimonies. God is doing a new thing, filling your mouth with praise and endless...
My Anthem Is Promise

My Anthem Is Promise

| Anne Ballard
It’s impossible to have faith if you’re not aware of the promises of God for the situation you’re praying for. You are able to keep believing when you know what He has promised, and trust that He does what He says He would do. Today, there’s an invitation for you to meet the God of Promise like n...
Abigail: Immeasurably Loved

Abigail: Immeasurably Loved

| Anne Ballard
Where do your biggest dreams have borders? What is the most extravagant thing you could ask God for today? His Word reminds us that He is able to do immeasurably more than even that. Let your heart come alive with hope right now that the God of Abigail is your God, too.
Sarah: Mother of Nations

Sarah: Mother of Nations

| Alyssa Hause
Through belief, Sarah received the strength to carry her promise before it became visible, and the wisdom to take care of it after the promise arrived. Your journey of believing for the impossible can do the same for you. This time is not wasted; it’s getting you ready.
Accelerating Momentum

Accelerating Momentum

| Anne Ballard
What would change in your life if you truly believed you were unstoppable? What would be different if you heard Him whisper ‘Go’ in your ear, and you knew He was with you?
Rahab: Scarlet Colored Redemption

Rahab: Scarlet Colored Redemption

| Katelyn Alexander
While you would expect the Son of God’s family tree to be filled with perfect people, the lineage of Jesus is speckled with scandal. Even Jesus’ birth was scandalous…proving that God is not concerned with the opinions of man. Nor is He unwilling to use imperfect people. As I introduce you to one ...