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Ruth: The Bravery of Devotion

Ruth: The Bravery of Devotion

| Alyssa Hause
Instead of going back to a life that would provide safety and security, Ruth chose to give up everything to go to a land that wasn’t her own. She chose to follow, with the risk of living in poverty and grief the rest of her life. What would happen if you risked radically for the sake of love? Wha...
A Letter To Men

A Letter To Men

| The Crowning Jewels
Dear men, You have probably heard so many words describing all of the ways you are failing. You’ve heard that you either aren’t empowering enough or that you don’t have enough of a backbone. You either don’t know how to pursue, or you move too fast. You are either are too confident or too timid,...
My Anthem Is Love

My Anthem Is Love

| The Crowning Jewels
Learning to love yourself is just as important as learning to love someone else. When you are saturated by the belief that He is absolutely crazy about every single part of you, you can love yourself and others that same way. You don’t have to wait for another person to love you for you to begin ...
Love Is A Person

Love Is A Person

| Anne Ballard
Growing up, Jesus was nothing more to me than a flannelgraph with long hair and sandals.  He was the person in whose name I ritualistically ended all my prayers.  He was also the one who did miracles and loved the leper in Bible stories.  I knew that He loved me - “for the Bible told me so.” I kn...
Heart Pursuit

Heart Pursuit

| Anne Ballard
Before the creation of the world, God knew you. Before you were a thought, a dream in your mother’s heart He knew the purpose for your life. Even before your mother and father...
Radiant One: Living in the Light

Radiant One: Living in the Light

| Anne Ballard
Radiant One: Living in the Light “Those who look to him are radiant; Their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34.5 In studying this verse, I have found that it captures the very essence of what it means to live in the light.
Mary of Bethany: An Extravagant Offering

Mary of Bethany: An Extravagant Offering

| Katelyn Alexander
Mary of Bethany’s story is one of the most extravagant displays of surrender in all of scripture. Undone by the compassion of Jesus, she disrupted a banquet and poured over Jesus an entire jar of pure, fragrant nard. The perfume she poured over him was worth over a year’s wages (in today’s terms,...
The Jesus Necklace

The Jesus Necklace

| Anne Ballard
written in 2017, this necklace is a treasured part of our history but is no longer available for sale Recently we (as a team) were reading the story of the widow with the oil and the flour from 1 Kings 17.7-16.  We were struck by how she had very little and was in need herself, but she gave gene...

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