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Jael: Wildly Courageous

Jael: Wildly Courageous

| The Crowning Jewels
Jael was a courageous woman whose boldness and decisive action won a significant victory for Israel. Her story is a powerful testament to the fact God loves to use the seemingly insignificant people to accomplish his purposes. God is raising up Jaels--wildly courageous women willing to confront t...
Our Hiding Place | July Monthly Blog

Our Hiding Place | July Monthly Blog

| The Crowning Jewels
In the month of June, God is exchanging chaos for peace.  As the dust settles, now is the time to align your body, mind and soul with what the Lord is saying and doing. He is the King of working all things together for our good, and in the face of unexpected circumstances, He is doing just that. ...

Quiet Trust | January Monthly Blog

| Alyssa Hause
In the month of January, there is an invitation to choose quiet, anchored trust in the midst of storms and valleys. If you find yourself in difficulty or uncertainty in this season, make a conscious choice to submit all of it to God and watch Him make your paths straight. Right now is a special s...
My Anthem Is Courage

My Anthem Is Courage

| The Crowning Jewels
I didn’t like to do groceries, because I was scared to say hi to the cashier.  To say that I was bound by fear would be an understatement. It had controlled me for as long as I remembered. As a child, it made me jump into my bed from 3 feet away, so the lions underneath my bed wouldn’t gra my fee...
Esther: Born For Such A Time As This

Esther: Born For Such A Time As This

| Alyssa Hause
Sometimes the answer to an overwhelming situation isn’t a big miracle, or God’s direct and supernatural intervention. Sometimes the answer lies within you, in how He has already prepared you, and in what you have already been given. Sometimes God lets YOU be the answer. He has given you all that ...
Deborah: A Mother To Many

Deborah: A Mother To Many

| The Crowning Jewels
In an age in which we are exposed to so much injustice, pain, and brokenness on a daily basis, it can be difficult to know which battles we are called to fight. Our own personal battles keep so much of our hearts and minds occupied. While we may long for justice and peace, we might be inwardly fe...
Use Your Voice

Use Your Voice

| Anne Ballard
Recently I had the opportunity to pray for people at a conference who wanted to grow in influence. It was a conference put on by some of my heroes, Steve and Wendy Backlund, called "A Day of Breakthrough." When Steve was talking about becoming an influencer he made this statement, "If you b...
Called To Make A Difference

Called To Make A Difference

| The Crowning Jewels
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter." - Martin Luther King Something beautiful happens when you start believing how important you are in the eyes of God. When you realize your royal identity, you begin to see that everything you do has an impact. Don't l...