For with God, nothing is impossible.
Luke 1.37
You have permission.
God responds to faith. There are times and seasons in our life when we just have to take a step, and in faith believe that He is with us. And far more often than we may realize, we have a green light until we hit a red one. That means that we have permission to go, to try, to fail, to get up, and to try again. If He is on our team, what does it matter who opposes us?
What would change in your life if you truly believed you were unstoppable? What would be different if you heard Him whisper ‘Go’ in your ear, and you knew He was with you? What if you believed He was cheering you on, no matter what you set your hand to? What if you truly believed all of heaven had your back? What would you accomplish?
This is a season of Accelerating Momentum. There is no impossibility that is too big. No mountain that is too high. No dream that is too extravagant. Don’t you know if you can accomplish your dream on your own, you’re not dreaming big enough?
God's ready to respond.
God is breathing on that thing burning in your heart. He is increasing your labor. He is blessing your effort. But we must be invested. We must see the vision. We must believe it’s possible. And he will increase our labor one-hundred-fold just like he did with Isaac. Sow your seed. Believe for impossible fruit. And watch Him rain down promise, destiny, and legacy. Watch Him breathe on your deepest desires. Stand in faith as you take a step forward.
Nothing is impossible if we believe. The Bible tells us so. So what are you believing for? What are you hoping for? It’s time to take a step. For today is a new day, and the Master of the Universe has your back.
Declare this over yourself today.
"I will courageously go where God sends me and embrace transition and new seasons with joy! God is bringing about acceleration in my life and I won’t be afraid when things happen quickly. I am strong in Him. With God, I am unstoppable, and I believe anything is possible!"
Inspired by Romans 8.31-33, Luke 1.37, Genesis 26.12
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