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The Spiritual Warfare Collection: Healed

The Spiritual Warfare Collection: Healed

| The Crowning Jewels

As believers, we are called to live a life of faith. In addition, we are to partner with God in bringing heaven to earth. However, we live in a fallen world and the spiritual battlefield is real. The powers of light and darkness are at war and we have a role to play in seeing the Kingdom of God come on earth. It is time to stand up and fight. As believers, we have been given authority from God to release heaven on earth. It’s time for us to align with heaven’s blueprint for this time and war with our prayers and declarations. The Bible tells us that our prayers commission angels to carry out God’s plans. Therefore, pray!! 

Our Spiritual Warfare Series is a collection of blogs to remind you of your spiritual authority and the truth of God’s Word. In addition, we’ve designed jewelry around these themes. Read these blogs and wear these pieces as a reminder to pray and partner with Heaven. It’s time to stand up and fight for truth, for righteousness, and for justice. 

“by His wounds we are healed”
saiah 53.5b

Are you sick? Worn out? In need of healing? 

Then come to the Healer!

This life can be full of heartache and pain. Mental and physical afflictions, chronic illness, and disease all can cause agony and distress. They can cause us to want to lose heart and hope. However, Scripture promises healing…Jesus came to bring healing to physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. He came to bring healing to the whole being–mind, body, spirit. Therefore, if you are experiencing mental or physical illness, then know that Jesus died and was raised from the dead for your freedom! 

It’s time to stand on the promise of God for healing and restoration in your whole being! Ask Him for revelation and insight into your specific healing. Sometimes healing comes through the laying on of hands or miracles! Sometimes healing comes through forgiveness. Sometimes healing comes through deliverance. Sometimes healing comes through doctors or therapists. 

God is highlighting to you the specific WAY He wants to bring healing to your situation. And He is healing your whole being, so that you can live whole and restored and your life be a testament of His goodness. He heals in many ways and both supernatural immediate healing and divine strategy for healing are gifts from Him! Therefore partner with Him, declare healing and life over yourself and those around you! 

Thank you, God, that you are the Healer! You paid for all sickness and disease on the cross! I thank you that by your wounds I am healed! Praise you, Lord, that you are the God who brings healing to my whole being: mind, body, emotions. You care about me living healthy and whole! 

I speak “life, health, and healing” over every cell in my being. I declare that my body is a place of perfect health. Every area of sickness and disease doesn’t belong in my body, rather my body is a place of thriving and wellness. I bless my whole being to be filled with the life of God. Thank you, Lord, that you care for my whole being. 


Click below to check out our "Healed" Necklace: