In the month of November, watch for life-changing divine appointments that will bring people together for a uniting kingdom purpose. Your heart may stir with the awareness that it’s a pruning season, and relationships may shift as you take inventory on who is destined to walk with you into the ne...
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In the month of October, God is shining new light on Scripture so that you can perceive His Word in a new and fresh way. What was once seen through the lens of condemnation and shame, the Lord is bringing clarity into and revealing His goodness, hope, and truth. For some of you, opportunities wil...
In the month of September, God is softening our hearts towards those who have felt alienated and judged, calling us to draw near in love and truth to those who are different than we are. He is inviting us into creation, and as we spend time with Him unplugged from distraction, He is meeting us wi...
In August, God is calling you into an awareness of the season that you’re in. It may be that your season has shifted and that you now need to explore the adjustments that need to be made to thrive in your new season. God is revealing His heart for marriage this month, and deeper intimacy, fresh a...
In July, God is reassuring you that you have been prepared for exactly where He’s called you to. In the trials of life, you are more than a conqueror because He has overcome the world! Intentionality regarding who you allow to influence you is key, and as you surround yourself with those who have...
In the month of June, God is restoring new life to the places of your life that have experienced loss and devastation. Healthy community is highlighted, and authenticity and vulnerability are coming together to deepen your relationships and make room for new ones. Truth is being revealed to those...
In the month of May, God is releasing His favor to open seemingly impossible doors. However, if you find that your circumstances are appearing opposite to what you know He has promised, it will be important to remember that He has a sovereign plan to move His hand on your behalf, even if it doesn...
In April, there is a shift happening, moving us from fear of those who are different than we are into the loving embrace of unity. From the firm foundation of God's radical love, you will meet Him and others in a profound way. Authenticity and surrender to the One who created you will open your h...