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Upgraded Dreams | April Blog

Upgraded Dreams | April Blog

| The Crowning Jewels

In the month of April, God is upgrading people's belief systems and their dreams. He is bringing people together for divine partnerships and for kingdom purposes. He is releasing strategies for relational restoration and the courage to have hard conversations. And He is pouring out provision for God dreams. Lean into Him, be willing to have hard conversations, and take the action steps you can…watch as He meets you in your faith. 

Upgraded Beliefs
He made known His ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel.
Psalm 103.7

God is wise. And He has answers to questions you didn’t even know you needed to ask. You may have been praying for clarity and revelation; perhaps you’ve been pressing into Him for answers. He is a Good Father and He wants to pour out His wisdom and revelation over you. Some of these revelations will require a change in your way of thinking and living. But as He brings revelation of the shifts needed, He’ll also bring the grace for you to step into change and transformation. As God leads you into a new season, you’ll notice that you cannot bring everything with you into the new. Some of your mindsets and ways of thinking about God, yourself, and the world will have to go. It can be uncomfortable to step into a new way of thinking…but if you’re ready to have a new life experience, you must be willing to embrace a new way of thinking and believing. 

God is dropping divine strategy into the hearts and minds of those who are hungry, who are pressing in, and who are seeking His face for revelation. Some of this revelation will surprise you. He will provide answers, connections, and relationships you didn’t even know you needed. If you’ve been seeking His heart and face, trust Him to reveal Himself to you. Follow His whispers, lean into His Presence, and follow curiosity. Ask Him for eyes to see and ears to hear and trust Him as He leads you. He will!

Aligned for the Kingdom
How could one man chase a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, unless the LORD had given them up?
Deuteronomy 32.20

God is bringing people together to bring big dreams to pass, dreams that couldn’t happen on your own. You weren’t meant to go through life alone and some of the dreams in your heart require community and teammates. There are dreams you may have laid down, forgotten, dismissed because they were too difficult, but God didn’t forget them. God has perfect, divine timing for you to step into the dreams in your heart. God is strategically bringing people together. You will be able to run farther because you are sharing the load with others. 

Perhaps you’ve felt shame in the past for not being able to accomplish your dreams by yourself–however, you weren't meant to. Take this example of horses: a draft horse is able to pull 8,000 by itself. However, when two draft horses are together they can pull 24,000-32,000 pounds–up to four times as much! Together, we can accomplish far more than on our own! So ask the Lord for who He’s pairing you up with in this next season. If you’ve felt like you’ve hit wall after wall in your pursuit of your dreams, ask God for your teammates! And show up where like minded people are. 

Courage to Face Conflict
Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.
Ephesians 4.15

Hard conversations are, quite simply, hard. Perhaps you’ve had relationships fall apart when you’ve attempted to communicate your needs in the past. Or you’ve experienced manipulation, bullying, control, or no respect for boundaries. God is giving you the courage to face conflict and have hard conversations. He is releasing boldness and strategy for you to stand up for yourself and to listen and understand others to an increasing degree. There is an invitation for relational restoration and healing. If you’re struggling with tools for communicating well, we highly recommend the book, “Keep Your Love On” by Danny Silk. 

Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of healing breaches—it’s not that we want to avoid conflict, rather navigate conflict in a healthy way. Ask God for strategies and tools to navigate conflict well. There is grace to learn a new way of operating–not running away from conflict, not bulldozing. You can show up in love and still advocate for yourself, place up healthy boundaries, and face conflict in a powerful and healthy way. God is with you. 

Rains of Provision
Ask rain from the Lord in the season of the spring rain, from the Lord who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field.
Zechariah 10:1 

God moves in rhythms and seasons. There is a divine timing to the way He moves. Part of our jobs is to learn His rhythms and ask Him to show us the seasons we’re in and how to partner with what He’s doing. The prophet Zechariah instructed the people to ask the Lord for rain “in the season of the spring rain.” Rain often represents provision, as without rain, food cannot grow. 

If you have big dreams in your heart that need provision and help from the Lord, trust His timing. Take bold steps of faith, even if you don’t see how it will all work out. And trust that HE WILL SHOW UP. This is a season for dreams to be fulfilled–long delayed dreams, impossible dreams, and dreams you wanted to give up on. Or perhaps you only have the seed of a dream, but even that feels like too much…bring it to God. Do your part. What steps do you need to take to bring this about? What would you be doing if it was already a reality?  Take your steps!  As you do, God will pour out rain on the seedling of your dream and make it grow. As you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart. For some of you, this is a season of planting and nurturing, for others you will see dreams happen incredibly fast as you’ve been nurturing these dreams for your years. Walk with Him towards your dreams today.

At The Crowning Jewels, it's our desire and our mission to bring encouragement, to build others up, and to bring comfort to people’s lives (1 Corinthians 14.3). Each month, our founder, Anne Jackson, and our main writer, Katelyn Alexander ask the Lord what He’s doing in the coming month and for any words of encouragement He might have for His people. We believe that prophetic words need to be encouraging and edifying. Moreover, with a corporate prophetic word, not all words are applicable to all people. If our words bless you, please take hold of them and apply them in your own life. If it’s not specific to you, please pass it on to someone else who might be blessed.

As always, the prophetic is a free gift from heaven and will always be something we freely share. As a prophetic business, it’s our mission to bring encouragement and edification to people through the free gift of prophecy, with our product being jewelry.

We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at hello@thecrowningjewels.com.


1. God is upgrading my mindsets
2. God is aligning me with my people.
3. I am experiencing relational breakthroughs.
4. I am receiving provision for God dreams
5. God is pouring out divine strategy over me. 

©All Rights Reserved 2024
Blog written by Anne E. Jackson and Katelyn Alexander 

Each month we design limited edition pieces of jewelry, only available for that month, handmade with words and charms that reflect the monthly prophetic word. If this word resonates with you and you'd like to wear a reminder of its truths, click the pieces below to shop!