In the month of August, God is doing a new thing. As you take new ground, you will have to do things differently than you have in the past. God wants to meet you in your desires and lavish you with upgrades. He is inviting you to rest and trust in His voice as He prepares a table for you. He wants to shift your mindset as you simply trust in His goodness. This month, don’t be afraid to face a change in course. There is an invitation to process discouragement and disappointment but there is also opportunity to release your pain for fresh vision and hope. The Lord is highlighting the need for healing from trauma and He is bringing insight as to how emotional health will bring freedom to His people. When this season changes, God may start speaking to you in unexpected ways. Draw near to the Author of Truth; He has so much He wants to share with you.
Faith for Upgrades
“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10.5
We know that it’s impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11.6). When God wants to give us something new it can be easy to build our expectations on our past experiences, but often He is doing a NEW thing. When we’re walking into the Promised Land it’s easy to fall back into familiar mindsets. As Joshua and Caleb were sent to explore their Promised Land, they had to position their hearts and minds on truth, though it was the more challenging and unpopular stance to take. The majority were dissenting and did not believe they should go to the land or that it would be possible for them to triumph. Joshua and Caleb chose to focus instead on the fact that God was giving them this land, and certainly God was faithful-he wouldn’t give them a land that they weren’t able to take. Joshua and Caleb, the minority, chose to take a stand from a place of hope, standing in faith that God wanted to bless them, and he would meet them as they received their gift from Him: their Promised Land. If you’re going to take new ground, you will likely have to think and do things differently than you’ve done in the past.
Ask God what He’s doing now, so that you can align with His fresh rhema word. Renew your mind with truth you’ve received from God: personal encounters with Him, wisdom straight from the Bible and words others have given you, to anchor you as you step forward. Surrender your desires to Him as you pray. Break out of the poverty mindset (which says you can only ask for what you need to get by and that it’s wrong to request abundance) and step into faith. Often God wants to give us an upgrade when it’s time for something new (vehicle, home, job, relationship, etc.), but in order to receive what He has for us, we must be transformed by the fact that He’s good all the time, and be able to stand in faith, ready to be blessed by Him. This month, God is doing a NEW thing. He’s meeting us when we share the desires of our heart (even if we’re discouraged when we share). When we stand in faith that God wants to bless us and we make our requests known, He meets us. It is even His goodness to bless us when we doubt if our desires will be fulfilled. He is just that good. This word is for people that may feel like they’re going around the mountain again. Perhaps you’re facing the same kind of challenge or giant you’ve faced in the past, but know in your spirit you’re walking into new territory. That’s because this time God wants to give you an upgrade. It’s an opportunity to believe God for the more as you face a situation that feels familiar. Your part to play is to make your specific requests known to God, take a step of faith and follow your peace, even if it’s a sacrifice.
He’s Preparing a Table
“You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight”
Psalm 23.5 (TPT)
Imagine an abundant, delectable feast laid out on a stunning table before you. You receive the generous invitation from your Father to come and eat, and as you sit down you see that the one who has been opposing you is before you. You take a bite, eyeing your opponent. You know what he has attempted to steal from you before, and yet you still choose to enjoy the meal that has been prepared for you. You savor each bite, and are satisfied with each drink. Each morsel is an audacious act of war as you cling to the assurance of your Father, believing that He has you, trusting Him. You release the fear and anxiety that you’ve been carrying and find yourself relaxing and enjoying the opulence and majesty that has been bestowed upon you. You relish the abundant blessing you’ve been given, by taking your rightful place at the table. Your opponent feels smaller and insignificant as you focus on the favor and honor that has been given to you.
Instead of striving, God invites us to rest in Him, and from that place comes abundance and strategy. Resting and trusting in Him shifts our mindset. There may be no change in the natural at first, but our mindset changes and that invites us into abundance, into peace. We gain access in the spirit realm first, rather than the natural and what we see with our physical eyes. When we see what God is releasing in the spirit realm, we are then able to grab hold of it and bring it into the natural realm. This month, there is an invitation to be led by our spirit so that we are able to access what God is doing in the spirit realm before we see it in the natural. He’s encouraging us to rest in His presence when things feel stressful, and we are tired from striving. This word is for people that have been battling anxiety and are worn out from trying to do it all themselves. God wants to refresh you; to meet you where you are. Rest. Quiet yourself before the Lord and as you do shift your focus from the natural (all the circumstances that have been wearing you out) and ask God to show you what’s happening in the spirit realm. Allow Him to shift your focus to what He’s doing. It’s easier than you think.
A Change in Course
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Psalm 34.18
There are times in this life that God closes a door to cause us to change course. It’s the gentle and loving rerouting that is often to protect us from something or to direct us to something else, though it doesn’t always feel very gentle. Sometimes there is great disappointment and frustration with the door that is closed. Oftentimes it is what feels like our heart’s greatest desire that gets shut down. In those moments it is important to feel and process our disappointment with God, being honest with ourselves and with Him. He can handle it! Sometimes the shift is rapid, and you may feel like your life is being uprooted and changing course in a way that you didn’t expect or want. You may even feel that you have no choice in the matter. Perhaps you received a prophetic word that does not align with the change of course, causing you to believe this must be opposition. Just when you thought you knew how things were going to go, everything is upended and you are left with your disappointment and unanswered questions. You may feel peace in the midst of it, but be sorely discouraged or even heartbroken. For many that have felt they so clearly knew their course, when the detour comes it can really throw you off. When we hold loosely to our plans and expectations, we are able to change course more freely and seek what God is doing. He always has our best interest in mind. It is important to note that these are the kinds of situations that if left unhealed, can yield bitterness and offense, ultimately resulting in a hardened heart towards God. Take the time you need to process your frustration and hurt, then ask Him to show you what He has in mind with this new way.
This month God is showing us a detour sign. There’s an invitation to process any discouragement over this course change with Him, and to take the time you need to adjust to what’s next. He’s giving people fresh vision for things they couldn’t see before. There’s grace and the timing is right to step into what God has for you now. This time will be marked by people saying “I never would’ve done that if _________________ hadn’t happened.” God is releasing hope when you choose to partner with Him. This word is for people that are processing disappointment, possibly even over a prophetic word not coming to pass. It’s for people in transition, and people in need of fresh perspectives. You have an opportunity to give God your hurt and release any offense that may have been building. In return, you will be filled with fresh vision, grace and hope for your future beyond what you could have imagined on your own. God’s goodness will prevail, as we know that He’s working all things together for our good (Romans 8.28).
To Know Him More:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.”
Matthew 5.6
God is always speaking, but sometimes we don’t hear him. As seasons change God may begin speaking to you in a different way than He has before. When this happens, it is important to remind yourself of the truth; He’s always speaking and you’re never alone. Sometimes just this truth can open your eyes to hear Him in other ways: maybe He’s highlighting a book, a passage in Scripture, through repetitive numbers, names or places, etc. Or maybe you’re aware that the same topic keeps being brought up around you. When the season changes and it seems like He’s not speaking anymore, it is often an invitation to press in and pay attention to the diverse ways that God is speaking to you, for it may be a new way in a new season. During those times choosing to value the way He speaks uniquely to you, to steward your encounter and process the meaning of it all with Him is a precious way to draw near to Him.
This month God is faithfully continuing to speak to us, and He’s inviting us to draw near, learn from Him and know Him more. Anyone who wants more of God, who is hungry to hear and know Him, will be fed (Matthew 5.6). Ask God to help you recognize those moments when He’s speaking to you; He’s faithful to do this. There is a sweet invitation this month for more of Him. You need only be hungry.
Truth and Unity
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter;
to search out a matter is the glory of kings.”
Proverbs 25.2
So many people are going after healing today; pursuing wholeness in body, soul and spirit. We are triune beings, and God created us to live in divine health, but for some it is a challenging journey to get there. Many have experienced things in life that created a wound or brokenness and they’ve chosen to react to their life rather than seeking wholeness from the One who created them - the Author of Truth. We know that when we experience trauma, the emotions and pain from that stay stuck in our bodies. God is highlighting the need for healing and He is bringing the skills and knowledge that are needed to heal and process emotions, pain and trauma so that they don’t stay trapped in the body. God is releasing intelligence on mental and emotional health and it’s time for His people to recognize the need and stand up for it. People are being filled with a hunger to pursue Truth in order to find the answers that God has for understanding the connection between body, soul and spirit. God is the Creator and in creating us He has all the answers for what we need to be healthy and whole. Sadly, The New Age movement has been more at the forefront of this conversation, but it’s time for believers to realize their need to become whole and to face what they may not have been willing to face before, such as pain and trauma. Often there is a counterfeit that has bits of truth, but not from the right source. What if this is the answer you’ve been seeking? Sometimes God miraculously heals, and other times He gives us the tools that we need to process through pain and uncover hidden wounds that need the Healer. As people begin to educate themselves, they must be willing to be misunderstood. God will lead them and will give them discernment on this journey.
This month, God is highlighting the need for healing from trauma we have faced in our lives. He’s bringing people to the forefront within the body of Christ who have His answers. This insight on emotional health will bring freedom and physical healing as this information is assimilated and applied. This word is for people that are searching for truth in this arena of health; people that are at the end of their rope with their well-being not changing. You may feel like you've tried everything and nothing is working! It’s for people that are searching for the truth and may have had some fear around studying this topic. God is giving you permission to go after this. Trust God to lead you as you step into learning more about this world. Ask God to speak to you through His word, and meditate on what He shows you. His discernment will lead you if you have faith that it will.
©2020 All Rights Reserved
With prophetic insight from Bethany Hess
Written by Anne E. Ballard
At The Crowning Jewels our desire and our mission is to bring encouragement, to build others up and to bring comfort to people’s lives (1 Corinthians 14.3). As a team each month we ask the Lord what He’s doing in the coming month and for any words of encouragement he might have for people as a loving God. We realize that with a corporate prophetic word not all words are applicable to all people. If it’s prophetic it also needs to be encouraging and edifying. If our words bless you, please take hold of them and apply them in your own life. If it’s not specific to you, please pass it on to someone else who might be blessed. We do not sell prophecies; prophecy is a free gift from heaven. As a prophetic business, our mission is to bring encouragement and edification to people; our product is simply jewelry.
We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute, transformational power of declarations. We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and speaking truth is an active way for us to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month. We would love to hear what God does! Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.
August's Declarations:
- I stand in faith, believing God wants to bless me.
- I am drawing near to rest in the arms of my loving father.
- I receive the grace to step into the new that God has for me.
- God speaks to me in beautiful ways that I can hear and understand.
- The healing of my body, soul and spirit is important to God.
Each month we design two limited edition pieces of jewelry, only available for that month, handmade with words and charms that reflect the monthly prophetic word. If this word resonates with you and you'd like to wear a reminder of its truths, click the pieces below to shop!