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You Are My Rock | February Monthly Blog

You Are My Rock | February Monthly Blog

| Anne Ballard

God is revealing himself as our Rock as we hand our burdens over to Him.  Many have been enduring hardship, and they can trust, knowing that joy is coming.  As we delight in Him, we become more fully ourselves, and God is shining His healing light on the root causes of relationship issues.  It’s going to be a good month!  


“You are as real to me as bedrock beneath my feet,
Like a castle on a cliff, my forever firm fortress,
My mountain of hiding, my pathway of escape,
My tower of rescue where none can reach me,
My secret strength and shield around me,
You are my salvation’s ray of brightness shining on the hillside,
Always the champion of my cause.”
Psalm 18.2 The Passion Translation

When our eyes are opened to  see God as the source of our strength, our ever-present help in times of trial, and our constant, unfailing champion, it prepares the way for Him to meet us there.  When we hit rock-bottom we are forced to look up, and it is sometimes only in that moment of uncertainty, desperation, and surrender that we can see Him as the Rock that He longs to be for us.  Some have hit the bottom.  They have been trying and trying to please people, to do it themselves, and to make their own way without any help, and they have come to the end of themselves.  They cannot do it alone, and their circumstances are now making evident this truth.  They have nowhere else to turn, and it is their surrender that will make their footing sure on this journey through the mess.  As they emerge from this battle of wills, having laid down their own, rooted in their One True Rock, they will realize that they are unshakable.  No circumstance they face can derail them from being anchored in their Strong Tower.  





Some have had the wind knocked out of their sails.  Not only has 2018 started with a bang, but it has been unexpectedly and suddenly hard.  Joy is coming.  Don’t let the trials, the hard things, and the challenges derail you or allow you to become disillusioned with the One who has you in His hand.  “When it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can!” James 1.2 The Passion Translation. When we are completely anchored in the truth of who He is and who we are to Him, we become able to taste and see the promise of joy on the horizon.  Our burden is light when we are able to hand it to Him.  The holidays have been hard for many, with reminders of the way things used to be and the ache afresh of lost loved ones.  But the pain is lessening with each day, and if we quiet ourselves, we can feel the anticipation of fulfilled promises, fun, and good things ahead.  The hard times are not bad, for they simply reveal to us in Whom we are anchored.  “Crying may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30.5 NCV





“Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life,
and He will provide for you what you desire the most.”
Psalm 37.4 The Passion Translation
This verse used to conjure up all kinds of striving within me.  I thought I had to reach a pinnacle of spirituality in order to receive the “reward” of the desires of my heart.  This disconnect within me was because I knew all about God, but I didn’t know Him - not intimately, not relationally.  Once you’re acquainted with the kind and loving Father that He is, intimacy is easy and natural.  I had to overcome a lot of fear about the God that I thought I knew in order to get to a place of trusting the Uncreated One.  I view this verse (and the God about whom David wrote it) so much differently now.  Truly knowing Him is to delight in Him.  Trusting Him allows more of our authentic selves to shine through.  God created each one of us uniquely with our very own gifts, desires, interests, and callings.  As we live in communion with Him, we become more free, because we are no longer carrying the weight of our destiny.  We are trusting the One who created us to carry our load, and it is in that place of delight and assurance in who He is that He longs to give us all the desires of our heart.  






“His light is life for all humanity.”  
John 1.4 The Passion Translation

We are all intended for connection, love, and belonging, and this is how community is built.  However, relationships aren’t always easy.  Anyone who has known a heartbreak or misunderstanding, or even anyone who has weathered a season of awkwardness and distance knows this to be true.  This is not to mention betrayal, hiding, and divorce.  We were designed to be known and loved for exactly who we are.  That’s not to say that relationships don’t take work on everyone’s parts.  God is highlighting relational issues right now, and He is shining His healing light on the root causes of problems.  Revelation is available now if you ask.  Whomever we are in relationship with we become aligned with at some level, and God is revealing right now the source of the fracture.  If you are in any kind of relationship that is troubled (marriage, separation, siblings, parents, friends, business, children), God wants to highlight and reveal to you right now what is at the root of your problems.  Once He reveals to you what the issue is, ask Him your part to play in the reconciliation/repair and how to pray.  Your relationship can be stronger on the other side of this hurdle.  Take a step of faith, humble yourself, and ask God how to communicate what’s within your heart.  We don’t always get a second chance to make things right, so if it matters to you, be bold!  




We at The Crowning Jewels believe in the absolute transformational power of declarations.  We know that truth comes by hearing (Romans 10.17), and that speaking truth is a way to renew our minds (Romans 12.2). We also believe that in speaking forth these declarations, you will change your life.  We invite you to partner with what God is doing and say these declarations for the remainder of the month.  We would love to hear what God does!  Please email us your testimony at tellyourstory@thecrowningjewels.com.


  1. Joy is coming.

  2. God is my Rock, and therefore I am unshakable.

  3. The desires of my heart come to life as I delight in Him.

  4. I rest in the truth of who He made me to be.

  5. God’s healing light is breaking through.


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Written by Anne E. Ballard

Cover image by Jesse Bowser on Unsplash