This season, God is whispering much-needed perspective and understanding when we quiet ourselves before Him. He is rebuilding the impossible right now and redeeming your family line. He loves how He created you and wants to discover more of who you are with you! It’s time to celebrate, for it’s harvest time!
Psalm 46.10 proclaims, “Be still and know that I am God,” which is a welcome reminder as we emerge from the busyness of the previous season. Just when we are ready to start this next chapter with gusto, determined to be proactive and really do things right this time, the Lord wants us to slow down. Take time to just be with Him and listen. Focus on the testimony of who He’s been to you in the last season. We have a tendency to push forward into the new season but He’s pulling back the reins a bit, and the reward will be worth it. He wants to bring specific insight and understanding, but we must be still in order to hear it. He is releasing a new perspective if we are simply quiet enough to hear Him, and still enough to enjoy His presence. A beautiful meditation for you in your stillness: “For the Lord is good, and His love endures forever, His faithfulness continues through all generations,” Psalm 100.4.
The Lord is rebuilding the impossible. Things that have felt like they would never change in the past, such as lost children, stuck marriages, difficult family dynamics, misunderstandings, relationships that seem to have ‘failed,’ and business struggles and challenges are all being restored. The shaking and transition that you’ve been experiencing that has felt uncertain is actually preparing the foundation for Him to rebuild. This shaking is also setting the stage for relationships with Him to be rebuilt, to restore what has been lost. Those who have been grieved, offended, wounded, discouraged, distracted, deceived or hopeless He longs to woo back to Himself tenderly and gently. Leaders that have had great influence and have fallen and have endured scandals or fallout from bad decisions are being restored. He is also breaking generational curses. If there is a pattern in your family that you can’t seem to break free from, God wants to redeem your family line. If you ask, He will show you the role you have to play in bringing your family line under the blood of Jesus. The undercurrent of all of this is restoration, but it looks like rebuilding. Get ready for God to blow you away with his fiery love as He draws people closer to Him and closer to each other. What seemed impossible for so long is now possible! A theme of this year will be God restoring what has been lost and who has been lost, and it starts now!
It is time to explore who God created you to be. He created you as His own unique masterpiece with all your very own quirks and idiosyncrasies. Psalm 139.13 declares, “‘You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Apart from your gifts and callings, which are irrevocable (Romans 11.29), God also treasures all the things that make you gloriously YOU. He longs to discover the parts of you that you have yet to uncover, whether it’s that you enjoy painting, or whether it’s figuring out your favorite way to eat eggs, or your favorite coffee drink. He loves spending time with you, and nothing is too trivial for Him. This season, He wants to explore the nuances of you by your side.
It is time for the harvest. God has seen your generosity of heart and the ways that you’ve given to others, sowing seeds into their future. It is time to reap the reward for your sacrifice and your toil. There will be great celebrating and rejoicing as seeds that have been planted, prayers that have been prayed, and promises you’ve been believing for come to fruition! It is time to feast on the goodness of God, and watch as He orchestrates this divine alignment into His purposes and plans.
The angelic and spiritual realm are becoming more visible for those that are childlike enough to look. Children have a purity of heart that can allow them to see God (Matthew 5.8) more clearly. God is the originator of beauty and He is making beauty and the angelic more available so that we can engage with what is possible. Lord, open our eyes to see!Declarations:
- God breathes a new perspective when I’m still.
- God is rebuilding the impossible.
- I have permission to be fully myself.
- Seeds planted in hope are being harvested.
- My family line is being restored.
©2017 All Rights Reserved
Written by Anne E. Ballard